Document Type : Research Paper


1 Bahar Institute of Higher Education, Iran

2 Imam Reza International University, Iran



Due to its easy access and ubiquity, Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) can benefit language learners with no restriction of time and place. The present study, with pre-experimental design, which was carried out on 145 Iraqi EFL learners, first studied the effect of MALL on the learners’ English reading comprehension ability. Throughout the study, the EFL students were required to have reading courses via a mobile application. Applying a paired samples t-test, the study revealed a significant effect of MALL on participants’ reading comprehension ability. Secondly, to assess the degree of students’ goal orientation, the goal orientation questionnaire was given to fill out once at the beginning of the course and once at the end of the process. The results indicated that MALL can significantly affect learners’ goal orientation. Finally, the correlation between reading comprehension and goal orientation in Iraqi EFL students was significant, which indicated that students’ reading ability was also related to their level of goal orientation.
