Peyman Nouraey
The General Foundation Program (GFP) is a pre-requisite program for nearly all undergraduate students in Oman in both private and government higher education institutions. The GFP elements include English Language, Computing, Mathematics, and General Study Skills. The present study aimed at evaluating ...
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The General Foundation Program (GFP) is a pre-requisite program for nearly all undergraduate students in Oman in both private and government higher education institutions. The GFP elements include English Language, Computing, Mathematics, and General Study Skills. The present study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the GFP with special reference to its Computing element. To do so, 106 (72 females and 34 males) post-GFP students’ perceptions of their competencies in the Computing element were evaluated. Data were collected through a 5-point Likert Scale author-designed questionnaire created based on the Learning Outcomes (LOs) of the component. The chi-square results revealed statistically significant differences among the frequencies of the students’ responses in rating their competencies in Computing LOs. Based on the findings, the participants were mostly competent in all the 6 main LOs of the Computing element. In addition, a few criteria with positive effects on achieving the LOs of educational programs were discussed.
Haitham Y. Adarbah; Mark. M. H. Goode
Most businesses recognize that education and advancement opportunities are essential components of human resource development. Transfer of training is considered to be a significant problem in the process of transferring knowledge, skills, and attitudes from training to a job, even though training and ...
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Most businesses recognize that education and advancement opportunities are essential components of human resource development. Transfer of training is considered to be a significant problem in the process of transferring knowledge, skills, and attitudes from training to a job, even though training and development strive to alter the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of a trainee to bring about a positive change in the behavior of the trainee as a result. Comparatively, little attention has been paid to the vital demand factors for professional business courses (such as Computing, Accounting, Human Resources, and Marketing) and whether there are distinct segments in this marketplace. In this paper, the key variables in determining the demand for professional business courses were assessed through interviews with senior managers of professional bodies and the application of an electronic scale. Furthermore, based on the marketing theory of segmentation analysis, the key segments were tested using both summary statistics and chi-square tests. Finally, managerial and research implications of these results were discussed.